Saturday 12 December 2009

Millie Painting

Just had to post this picture of Millie painting her present for Daddy... lots of concentration and fussy prefectionism (I don't know where she gets it from...)

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Clothes Plasters SHOP now open!

After lots of late nights, Marcus (I.T whiz husband) has created an online shop.
Clever web chap David O'Hara, will soon be adding links from the home page, but for a sneak preview (it's all up and functioning), here it is:
Tell your friends!

Monday 30 November 2009

These are the iron-on patches (hot off the press!):

Stock has arrived... all hands on deck!

Oh my Goodness... 1,000 tins to pack and another 9,000 arriving next week!!!

Marcus, my husband and now business partner (!) busy packing tins....

Lucky I've got such willing helpers, Thank You Millie and Rosie!!!

They packed 200 in one morning; apparantly it was even more fun than TV (now that's saying something!)

Introducing Clothes Pasters!!

Friday 30 October 2009


Hooray! Our tiny cat Tinkerbelle has had kittens (Maggie and Charlotte). We're keeping Charlotte and Maggie is going to live with my dear friends Lydia and Jake...

Kitten update....
Lydie and Jake's ktten is a bit scratchy (sorry chaps) so they're calling her 'MagieScratcher' Tee Hee!

Monday 28 September 2009

Macmillan Coffee Morning 2009

Big Thank you to everyone who came to my Macmillan Coffee Morning. We raised nearly £500! Amazingly, unlike last year, I wasn't left with a freezer full of cake! I think nearly the whole village came, hurrah! I'll do the same next year; plus extra brownies...

Here are some photos of that lovely sunny, chatty morning that was good for the soul...